Phone: (623)376-4344


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Music Education from Northern Arizona University

Mr. Rockey

Mr. Rockey is one of three music specialists at the Highland Lakes Renaissance Music Academy and the District Co-Team Lead for All Deer Valley 5th though 8th Grade Band Directors.  He is a graduate of Northern Arizona University. Mr. Rockey was a long time performing member of the Tempe Symphonic Wind Ensemble. He continues to present yearly at the AzMEA State Conference, worked with and conducted Area, Regional and Elementary All State Ensembles. Highland Lakes under the direction of Mr. Rockey consistently receives top scores at festivals and places students into Honor and Arizona All State Bands. Former students from Highland Lakes continue to be successful in high school Regional and State Ensembles.

Mr. Rockey is married to Margaret Rockey with two daughters, Sierra and Emma.  The Rockey family also has a playful Golden Cocker mix named Tallac.

2024-25 DATES to Remember:

Band / Orchestra Students Do Not Need Instruments the First Two Days of School

August 5th is the First Day of School with Band Instruments

8th Grade Band at High School Night: Must Choose One for a Grade:   9/27 MRHS    9/27 DVHS,  10/4 BCHS,  10/25 OCHS,  TBD-BGHS

October 2 District Choir Assessment (During School, Required ? Choir)

November 20 Orchestra District Assessment South @DVHS (During School)

December 4 All HLS Choir Concert 6:00pm

December 10 All HLS Orchestra Concert 6:00pm

December 12 HLS Bands Concert / Call Time 5:30pm Concert 6:00pm

January 30 8th Grade Concert Band @DVHS (After School, Required for HLS 8th Grade Band Students for a Grade)

February 12 District Honor Band @Sandra Day O'Connor High School (During School, Students Audition and Register)

February 22 Solo and Ensemble @HLS (Tentative Date-Saturday)

March 1 6/7/8 All State Band @Mt. View Mesa High School (Students Audition and Register)

March 5th HLS 8th Grade Band AMEA Area Festival @ Shadow Ridge HS (During School, Required for 8th Grade Band)

Orchestra Area Regional Festival TBD (During School Required Orchestra)

March 12 District Choir Assessment South (During School, Required ? Choir)

May 7 HLS Choir Concert @HLS 6:00pm

May 8 HLS Orchestra Concert @HLS 6:00pm

May 9-11 7th & 8th Grade Disney Fine Arts Band, Orchestra & Choir Optional Trip

May 13 HLS Band @HLS  End of Year Band / Call Time 5:30pm Concert 6:00pm

Thank You,