Phone: 623-376- 4353


Degrees and Certifications:

B.S.Ed. Literature and Education Focus Highly Qualified in English Language Arts and Social Studies Gifted Endorsement SEI Certification

Mrs. Sarah W. Crabtree

My three daughters constantly inspire me to be a better teacher and human! I am the small one in this picture! 


My Teaching Philosophy


As an educator of highly gifted students, my teaching philosophy centers on fostering a positive learning environment that nurtures intellectual curiosity, creativity, and critical thinking. I believe in tailoring instruction to meet the unique needs and abilities of each student, recognizing that their advanced cognitive abilities require an enriched and challenging curriculum.


First and foremost, I aim to establish a culture of respect, collaboration, and inquiry within the classroom. I strive to create a safe space where students feel empowered to explore their passions, take intellectual risks, and embrace failure as an essential part of the learning process. I teach with energy and humor, and hope to instill a love of laughter and joy associated with learning in each student. 

My approach to teaching involves differentiation and individualization, allowing students to delve deeply into topics of interest while also providing opportunities for interdisciplinary connections. By incorporating a variety of instructional strategies, including inquiry-based learning, problem-solving tasks, and project-based assessments, I aim to engage students in meaningful and authentic learning experiences. 

 I recognize the importance of nurturing students' social-emotional development alongside their academic growth. I prioritize the development of empathy, resilience, and self-awareness, equipping students with the tools they need to navigate challenges and collaborate effectively with their peers.  By emphasizing critical thinking, creativity, communication, and collaboration, I empower students to become independent learners and responsible global citizens.

Ultimately, my goal as a teacher of highly gifted students is to inspire a lifelong passion for learning, encourage intellectual curiosity, and cultivate the next generation of innovators and thought leaders. By creating a supportive and intellectually stimulating environment, I aim to empower students to reach their full potential and make meaningful contributions to society.


Middle School Renaissance ELA

Gifted Humanities Seminar Elective

Humanities Seminar Elective

Gifted Specialist

Renaissance Department Chair

Highland Lakes School Garden Coordinator 

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Room 103