
    7th Grade Language Arts         

      Mrs. Murphy         


    Welcome to 7th grade. I am looking forward to a great year of learning!

    Class Description and Objectives:  During the school year we will be working diligently in Language Arts to cover a wide array of standards. A copy of these standards can be accessed on our district website. The areas we will cover will range from reading and analyzing the elements of literature, expository texts, poetry, vocabulary, functional texts, and persuasive writings. 

    Curriculum: We will use the online learning platform Study Sync (Grade 7) to access most of our assignments. All textbook materials will be embedded in Canvas.

    Supplies: Students will need a spiral notebook or composition book and a pen/pencil. I have headphones in class but if students would like to use their own they can bring their own set to keep in their backpack. They must be wired. Some students like to use a mouse (wired or bluetooth) but that is optional.

    Assignments and Late Work: Due dates will be listed on each assignment. All assignments should be completed in the time given during the class period. I am very flexible and will give extended time or reduced assignments, as needed, per student request. 

    Absent Work: Students may complete any past assignment for credit up to the end of the quarter.  Students need to inform me if they turn something in past the due date so I know to look for it. 

    Grades: Grades will be updated weekly in the online Power Schools system. Do not use Canvas to determine your grade as they are weighted differently in Power Schools. It is important that you and your student have access to their current grades in all classes. Students’ grades are divided into two main categories: 80% for assessments, essays, and projects, and 20% for coursework (classwork).

    To be college, career, and community-ready, students in the Deer Valley Unified School District are expected to demonstrate academic integrity. Academic integrity is all about being honest and fair in your schoolwork. It means doing work that is entirely your own and giving credit to others (including generative Artificial Intelligence tools) through proper citation when you use their ideas or words. If you have questions about the guidelines for academic integrity, you should discuss them with your teacher.

    I encourage parents and students to gain access to Power Schools, the district's online grade book. Login information can be obtained from the school registrar at 602-467-6500.

    Your child’s IEP Service Coordinator is listed on their schedule under ADVOCACY (the first name listed, in case there are two). This will be your contact person if you have questions about the IEP. 

    Please contact me anytime.  Phone calls go directly to voicemail any time of the day.  I will return your calls/email within 24 hours. I look forward to a successful year.


    Penny Murphy

    ELA/Student Support Services