
    Mrs. Murphy English Language Arts  

    & Support Services

    Bitmoji Image 



    Course Description: Students will read a variety of fiction and non-fiction to improve reading comprehension, vocabulary, and fluency skills.


    Students are able to access lessons and activities through their Canvas page. 


    Click below for directions on signing
    up for a Parent Canvas account to 
    monitor student Canvas classes.


    Contact Information:
    Penny Murphy
    Phone: 602-467-6550
    All phone calls go directly to voicemail. I will respond within 24 hours.  


    Class Schedule
    Regular Day Schedule

    Period 1:      Co-Teach ELA with Ms. Alkhori

    Period 2:      7th grade ELA

    Period 3:       7th grade ELA

    FLASH          Individualized skills instruction

    Period 4: (with a 30-minute lunch)  Co-teach ELA with Mr. Loper

    Period 5:      7th grade ELA

    Period 6:      Prep

    ****Students will have the same lunch as their 4th period teacher


    Click HERE to see the bell schedule












  • Mission Statement

    Our mission is to prepare all students to be active, productive and successful problem solvers in our ever changing world.