• Shelved Books
    It is very important to shelve books correctly. Some important things to remember:

    The spine of the book should always be facing out so that the call number is visible and readable. Occasionally, a book is too tall to fit on the shelf properly. In this case, the spine should face up and out toward the reader. Shelf markers help to hold a book's place when the book is removed for review.  Replacing the shelf marker with the book ensures that the book was returned to its proper place for the next patron. Call numbers for non-fiction books begin with numbers, followed by the first 3 letters of the author's last name. For example:  Harriet Tubman 921 TUB.  Nonfiction books are shelved in numerical order.
    Fiction books have call numbers that contain letters, using the first 3 letters of an author's last name. 
     For example: The Giver by Lois Lowry - FIC LOW. 
    Everybody books contain two sections - picture books and non-fiction. The call numbers for both types of Everybody books are the same as fiction and non-fiction, except they will both start with "E". 
     Example for Everybody fiction:  Arnie the Doughnut by Laurie Keller- E KEL   
     Example for Everybody non-fiction:  Mud City A Flamingo Story by Branda Z. Guiberson - E 598.35 GUI
    Beginning Chapter books have call numbers like Fiction, except they begin with BC  
     Example:  Geronimo's Valentine by G. Stilton - BC STI