•    It is hard to believe that I have completed 10 years at Highland Lakes School.  I am very excited about returning to such an awesome school and Middle School team!  I have taught mathematics for over 20 years in Deer Valley Unified School District for grades 7–12.  

        The majority of my teaching experiences have been in a Learning Center Classroom, working with students with mild/moderate disabilities.  I have also worked as a co-teacher in 7th grade Math, 8th grade Math, and in high school Algebra and Geometry classrooms, providing support to the general education teacher and students of all ability levels.

       Prior to obtaining my teaching degree, I was a volunteer mathematics tutor for students with higher-level disabilities at the community college level.  I received my Bachelor's degree in Special Education, with an emphasis in Mathematics, from Arizona State University in 2003.  Since graduation, I have taken several additional mathematics classes, just for fun!


       I enjoy a simple, quiet life with my husband and 3 cats.  As often as possible, we head down to Tucson to hang out with my daughter. son-in-law,  and 2 grandchildren - Gavin and Charly.  Gavin is entering 6th grade Gifted Program this year and Charly is entering 2nd grade Gifted Program.  They are both active in theater.  Gavin had his first movie role (featured extra), soon to be released.  His latest role was the Mayor of MunchkinLand in Wizard of Oz,  as well as Michael Banks in Mary Poppins.  Charly loves all things pink and shopping at the mall, but especially enjoys swimming.  When we are a bit tired of the heat or in need of some cooler weather, we enjoy going to Flagstaff.

Charly at her Kindergarten promotion
this is a picture of my granddaughter Charly , age 6, at her first cosplay
this is a picture of my grandson Gavin, age 90, as Mayor of Munchkin Land for Wizard of Oz
Gavin in his first movie - Last Dollar
Gavin and my husband playing Cornhole in Flagstaff
this is a picture of me in Oregon