•  volenteers
    If you would like to help out this year, please make sure you attend Volunteer Training. This includes helping in the classroom as well as any events or activities such as field trips. If you were trained already (last year or before) you do not need to do it again. You are good to go!
    - And in order to maintain a safe and effective learning environment, we have the following policy:
    District/School Volunteer Policy: Volunteering is a scheduled, prearranged activity. When a volunteer expresses an interest in working at school and wants to assist with the type of jobs for which help is needed, there are district guidelines that must be followed for safety and legal reasons before a volunteer begins to work. For the purposes of these guidelines and procedures, volunteers are defined as those people who donate time in schools or with students on a regular or reoccurring basis or serve as chaperones.
    ALL VOLUNTEERS need to:
    • Complete Basic Training. (It's not too much like boot camp!)
    • Complete, and update annually, a Volunteer Service Agreement to be kept on file at the school.
    • Complete, and update annually, a Volunteer Registration Card to be kept on file at the school.
    • Sign in when on campus and sign out when leaving.
    • Wear an identification badge provided by the school.
    • Volunteers with no familial connection to the school must also complete an application and provide references.
    • Follow all school rules.                
