•  The best way to reach me is via email at jim.horyza@dvusd.org.

     SDOHS Block A/B Schedule (Online)


    Course Description

    This course will encompass a lot of material in a fun way with lots of discussion posts, projects and real life examples. Each unit will provide YOU with the tools needed to fully understand the history of the United States and the World!

    *Please note that this schedule times may change when we return to on campus learning.

    Also please note that all information regarding specifics of the class including zoom link can be found on canvas.  

    Thank you

    Mr. Horyza


    A Day                       B Day                       

    Period   Times Class Name
    1st         7:35 - 9:35 American History
      2nd  7:35 - 9:35 World History
    3rd    9:40 - 11:45  World History






     9:40 - 11:45

     11:45 - 12:15


    World History


      6th    12:15 - 2:17  U.S. History
        7th  12:15 - 2:17 Prep