Phone: (623) 376 - 5257


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelors in Psychology Masters in Elementary Education

Mrs. Mallory Hudson

Dear Parents/Guardians:

My name is Mallory Hudson and I am your child’s fifth grade ELA (English Language Arts/Reading and Writing) teacher this year. I am looking forward to a very successful year and I know you are too. I have high expectations for your child and I will do all that I can to help your child achieve those expectations.

I received my bachelor’s degree in Psychology while attending Northern Arizona University. I then immediately went on to receive my master’s degree in Elementary Education also at Northern Arizona University. Throughout my educational practice, I was able to work with students and receive hands on experience in the teaching field. My psychology background allows me to relate to each student on an individual basis while my educational background allows me to effectively teach your student procedures and standards.

I have high expectations for each student in my class, as I believe this is what ultimately leads to individual and group success. Due to my expectations, every student will be required to complete his/her assigned work. It is understandable that not all students will work at the same pace; therefore, some students may have more homework than others. When your child brings home schoolwork, please help him/her with questions. Feel free to contact me to receive additional help. Together we can help your child succeed this year. 

There will also be a few projects that your student will be expected to complete this school year. These projects are meant to be fun and educational. Most of these projects will be completed inside the classroom and will not require additional time spent on them at home.

If you have any questions about what is expected of your student please contact me. I want to keep the line of communication open and available to each parent/guardian. I am here to help your child succeed and I will need your help in this endeavor. You can contact me through email, or by phone.

Mrs. Mallory Hudson
Work Phone: 623-376-5257

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