• In my Aspire classes I have the following expectations:

    1. Print out the calendar of due dates provided for you in the announcements for each week of the class, so please place reminders on your phone or iPad for every Tuesday and Friday.  These are the days when assignments are due.
    2. When turning in your work you need to turn in pdf files or Word documents only.  You can, of course, print out the homework, fill it in with a pen or pencil.  You fill just need to scan the work or take pictures of the work and paste it into a Word document to turn it in.
    3. Work needs to be turned in to the assignment in Canvas.  It's too hard to have students turn in work through the message system or email.  I can't give you any feedback and it's hard to get your grade entered correctly.
    4. Message me through Canvas with questions.  I'm not just the guy who grades your work and posts assignments . . . I'm here to help you in whatever way I can.  Please message me with specific questions so I can help.
    5. Make sure the first assignment you submit is the one you want to be graded.  After you turn in your work the next page in that Module will be the answer key and possible a video answer key.  This is there for you to see my work and check your work against it so you can learn from your mistakes.  As stated in #4, message me with questions if you don't see what your mistake is on the assignment.
    6. Show your work!!!  If you look at the grading rubric for each assignment you will see that you MUST show your work to earn full points.  On exams, you must type out your work on the essay questions to earn full points.
    7. Message me with upcoming vacations, illness, tournaments for sports, etc so I can alter due dates when needed.
Last Modified on December 15, 2023