

  • Physics is the study of the natural world. It deals with the fundamental particles of which the universe is made, and the interactions between those particles, the objects composed of them (nuclei, atoms, molecules, etc), and energy.

    Physics is the science of Nature - of matter and energy in space and time. Physicists study a wide range of physical phenomena covering enormous scales: from the subatomic particles to the Universe as a whole. All laws and forces of nature originate from mathematical symmetries of space and time, so modern physics currently focuses on studying these symmetries.

    Physics is very dependent on mathematics. Models and theories in physics are expressed using mathematical equations. However, while physics uses mathematics to describe the material world, mathematics may deal with strictly abstract concepts and patterns. There is a large overlap between the two fields, known as mathematical physics.

    Physics 1 can really be broken down into two parts. The first 2 real units focus on describing motion. You will learn to use equations and graphs to describe the position, velocity, and acceleration of moving objects. These objects can be moving horizontally, falling freely on Earth, or doing both at the same time. The second half of the course focuses on why objects move. Through force diagrams and more calculations, you will discover the cause of all those different types of motion and be able to predict how the objects will change their motion.


    Physics 2 starts off by looking at a different way to analyze how objects move by using the concept of energy. The next unit will be all about the how and why of objects moving in a circular path. The last unit to deal with the motion of objects focuses on the collision of objects and how they affect each other. The last two units are unique compared to the other topics covered. You will study the forces that exist between objects that have an electric charge from gaining or losing electrons. The last unit is all about electricity. How much current travels through a circuit and what causes that current to flow?

Last Modified on December 15, 2023