The CTE Internship Class

  • CTE Internships: 

    Learning is not limited to the classroom. Internship opportunities are a supervised work-based learning experience in a paid or unpaid position within the CTE program of study. The CTE internship provides on the job experience and valuable industry networking. Students must complete the .

     The course and syllabus are delivered on Canvas. 


    You may fit this class into your schedule to meet your needs. You need to take two years of CTE courses to qualify, and your second course may be concurrently taken with the internship your senior year.


    The course is completely online so you do not have to be on campus. You release to your internship provider for this class time.   You do not have to be at the internship site during your class time but you do have to record 5 hours of work or volunteer time, complete reflections, time logs, and evaluations.  Information on the start date and drop dates can be found at the District Aspire site. 

    Sample of Due Dates   Sample of Assignment Due Dates


    If you are in the NAF program, it is a requirement of the National Academy Foundation Academy of Entreprenuership at Mountain Ridge High School.

    NAF students get NAFTRACK certification with many of the Fortune 500 Companies


    Sign up today!