
    The Syllabus is in Canvas. Syllabus

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    Course Objectives: Course Objectives: Individual objectives will be developed based on student placement and program of study. These objectives will be documented in the student’s training plan.


    Students will be evaluated in cooperation with employers/supervisors/mentors.

    The category breakdown of the semester grade is as follows:

    20% = Employer/Supervisor/Mentor Evaluation Reports (quarterly)

    20% = Training Plan Development, Tracking, & Fulfillment

    20% = Weekly Activity/Hour Reports & Verification (minimum of five hours per week)

    20% = Reflections (6 per semester)

    10% = Scheduling and Completion of Quarterly Evaluation Visits

    10% = Training Agreement

    The student is responsible for knowing points earned in the course and keeping track of his/her grades. The grading scale is administered equally to all students in the course. Do not expect to receive a grade higher than that earned by your total points. There will be no "point adjustments" made for such things as "class participation" or other subjective factors.



    Grading Policy: A = 90-100% B = 80-89% C = 70-79% D = 60-69% F = below 60%

    80% homework, assignments, etc.      20% Employer Evaluations