Phone: 623-445-7648


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education, Summa Cum Laude, ASU

Mrs. Tiffany Thomas

Hello! My name is Tiffany Thomas, and I am very excited about teaching 3rd grade at Terramar this year! I absolutely love this school and the staff already! I am passionate about teaching and am dedicated to helping your child grow this year, academically, socially, and emotionally. 

Even though I was born in Denver, CO, I grew up here in Arizona.  I was in the first graduating class of Mountain Pointe High School, and then attended ASU for 4 years and earned my degree in Elementary Education, as well as my teaching certificate.  Professionally, outside the classroom, I enjoyed a corporate job working full-time in Human Resources for years after college. Subsequently, becoming a mom and focusing on our family became top priority and part-time work included subbing and long-term subbing. 

Personally, I love my family and have been married to my husband, Randy, for 21 years.  We have three kids who will all be teenagers this fall (they sure grow up fast!).  All of our kids have attended school in DVUSD. Our oldest just finished at Mountain Ridge in May and will begin at GCC in the fall.  Our family isn't complete without our dogs: Daisy & Lola and our cats: Jojo & Autumn. Two fun facts about me are: I grew up playing the trumpet and I have a twin sister! 

I am looking forward to a great 2024-25 school year. Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns.  Also, we live locally, and I love running into Terramar kids who I have subbed. So, if you see me, say hi!  :)