


    If you would like your child to receive any medication while at school, a parent must bring the medication to the Health Center and sign a form that will allow the nurse to give that particular medication while the child is here at school..  In accordance with the Arizona School Board Association and the 好色导航Governing Board Policy JLCD, a written doctor's order will now be required for any prescription medication or dietary supplement.  The form can be obtained from the school nurse. Any prescription drug must be brought to school in the ORIGINAL prescription bottle with the label on the outside including student's name, medication instructions and doctor's name along with the new form.  There are no stock medications at the Health Center

    If your child needs to carry insulin, an inhaler, an EpiPen, an antihistamine or seizure medication in their backpack while on campus, the parent must sign a Self-Carry (Consent To Carry) form at the Health Center AND fill out an Action Plan for that student's particular medical condition.  A doctor's note must also be provided for seizure medication to be carried in a backpack.  The action plan will let us know how you would like us to treat your child's health condition here at school.

    If your child will need a nebulizer treatment while at school, please bring the medication vials in the original box with a prescription label on the outside and nebulizer tubing including mask and/or mouthpiece with you.  The Health Center has a nebulizer machine but tubing cannot be shared among students.  Parents have to provide their own tubing set for each child.  Please contact the nurse if you have any questions regarding any medications that you would like your child to receive while here at school.

    Rx medication form

    Self carry form for epipen, inhaler, seizure medication