• 1 2019-2020 Students' Quotes



    "When I first signed up for Mandarin 1-2, I was slightly skeptical. I was kind of just doing it for the language credit. But then I actually started the class and really enjoyed it! We have a small class of 9, so we all know each other and get along. We have learned so much and had fun while doing it. All of us did really well on our semester 1 final, which was difficult! In the end, I love Mandarin 1-2 and I am so glad I made the decision to take the class! It’s an added benefit that the teacher is super nice and patient with us, which is important in learning a new language. I don’t regret my decision at all and can’t wait to continue with the class next year!"- From Hannah Logan


    “The Mandarin 1-2 class was awesome. I really enjoyed being it and learning all of the new words. She helps us read new books, write simple stories, watch fun videos, and play fun games. The teacher is super friendly and the class goes at a nice pace. She makes it Mandarin easy and fun to learn. The Mandarin program is also super beneficial for your future life and career. You should definitely consider joining the Mandarin 1-2 class” -From Jazlyn Braithwaite


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