

Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Kelly

Welcome to the new school year! First off, I want to say how excited I am to be working at Highland Lakes. This is my 10th year teaching special education. I graduated from Northern Arizona University with a Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education and Special Education in 2014. I worked with both elementary students and middle school students during my time at Northern Arizona University.


Since working at Highland Lakes, I have worked with both elementary and middle school students both in a team taught setting as well as a learning center. I primarily work with ELA teachers in 8th grade, but have also been working in 8th grade Science and Social Studies classes as well over the last few years. 


I have been a student in the district since I started school as a kindergartener. I attended Highland Lakes School when it opened. I attended Highland Lakes School from 2nd grade to 8th grade. I graduated from Deer Valley High School in 2010. I LOVE going to Disneyland with my family and just spending time with them. You will find me there at least twice a year.