• Service Opportunities:
    -  Always check Mr. Lyijynen's classroom for the most recent service opportunity sign-up sheets!
    -  Dosomething.org has some cool opportunities for service during this online time!  See what you might be interested in by visiting them at .  
    Letters can be written to seniors and dropped off in front, or mailed to Merrill Gardens.  Website:   
    -  Youth for Troops needs help with care packages, plastic mats, ect.  You can visit their website at  and click on volunteer to see what service opportunities are available.  
    -  High Desert Little League needs help running their concession stands.  If interested, follow to sign up.
    -  You are welcome to ask any DC teacher or staff member on campus if they need help. Set up a day and time directly with them.
    -  Kindergarten needs help getting their bus kids to class from 8:30-8:40 AM and back to the bus at 3:25-3:30 PM. If you are interested, let me know ASAP.
    -  Wild at Heart Bird Rescue needs help.  You can contact Sam or Bob Fox at 480-595-5047 to discuss volunteering.  Their website is and email is sam@wildatheartowls.org.
    -  DC Recycling for NJHS is on Wednesdays.  Help is needed for this.  It is after school every Wednesday from 3:30-4:30 PM.
    -  I need NJHS organizational help on Wednesday mornings from 8:10-8:40 AM.  See me prior if interested.
    -  If you are venturing out on your own to volunteer, make sure to discuss it with me first.  Some great places to volunteer are Anthem Pets, Foothills Food Bank, and St. Mary's Food Bank.
    -  You can email me at chris.lyijynen@dvusd.org or come talk with me in person, if you want to volunteer for any of the community service opportunities.