I expect the best from you, mostly because I know you can deliver. The following items are NOT negotiable:

    • Come to class prepared with a charged device, 1-2 pencils, a highlighter, your homework/script, Spiral notebook and your best attitude.
    • Constantly improve your work. Ask for help if and when you need it.
    • Show pride in yourself and your work. Write legibly, keep your binder organized and hold onto all important papers. Make sure to label your spiral notebook according to the teacher's expectations.
    • You are responsible for getting any work you may have missed if you are absent and turning it in in a timely manner. All work is posted in Canvas and can be accessed even if you are absent.
    • Due dates are firm, unless a conversation is had with the teacher ahead of time. 
  • Class Rules

    • No food/gum/candy/drinks in class with the exception of water
    • Follow Proper Audience Behavior
      • Listen, watch and enjoy
      • Clap at appropriate times
      • All electronics should be silenced and never touched during the performance. 
      • No talking, unless audience participation is requested by the performers.
      • Avoid other sounds that can disturb the people around you and the performers.
      • Wait until intermission or the end of the show to leave.
    • Follow all safty rules for the classroom, theatre, and shop.
    • NO cellphones
    • NO ear buds
    • Do not call out in class. If you have a question, raise your hand.
    • You are responsible for knowing all the information in the syllabus.
    • Students must be in dress code at all times. 
    • NO hats in class
  • Stage Production CTE Class

    Stage Production Class is a Career and Technical Education class and as such has some district level requirements for completion.

    • This is a 2 year program. To recieve the completion certificate and include it on your transcripts the student must complete both years and pass the final test at the end of the second year. 
    • As a CTE course, outside lab hours are required to give career-type experience.30 hours per semester are required for each student. Hours will be obtained by working on a crew for either the main stage show or the one acts each semester. 
      • Being on a crew will require working after school at rehearsals and purchasing a crew shirt that will be worn during the run of the show. 
      • The main stage show will require a larger commitment than the one acts. 
      • If they choose to work on the one-acts, students will also have to usher during the main stage, since there will not be enough hours just in the run of the 2 one-act nights. 
      • Crew shirts cost about $20 each and are to be worn for all runs of the show. 
  • Acting classes, Shows and Thespians

    All acting classes will take part in at least 1 One-act. 

    • Theatre 3-4, Advanced and Advanced Performance classes will do 2 one-acts in the fall and 1 in the spring, with an optional one act being performed for the state Thepian festival and at the showcase in January. The students taking part in the one-act for festival must be an inducted Thespian. See more below.
    • Theatre 1-2 will do 1 one-act in the spring. 
    • Rehearsals will take place primarily in class during the day with after-school rehearsals happening during the week of the performance for tech. 
    • All performances/tech rehearsals are required and will be graded as part of class. 


    All students can become a Thespian! Requirements are listed on the Thespian page of the website, HERE



    There are 2 main stage shows each year. A play in the fall and a musical in the spring. The main stage shows rehearse daily after school and once a month on a Saturday. Schedules will be available as soon as the sign up is posted. Rehearsal schedules are subject to change. 

    All students are welcome to audition! Just complete the audition form located on the call board by Room 312 once posted, and come to your chosen audition time. 

    By agreeing to take a roll, students agree to be available for all rehearsals after school as well as performances. 

    There will be a $40 matrerials fee for the show. This will cover the cost of the show shirt and a make-up kit for the performer. This will be due at the time the contract for the show is signed. We will color match for the make-up kit the day that we take costume measurements and give out contracts. the contract should come back with the payment. 

  • Dress Code

    Any attire that detracts from the learning environment is not acceptable. Students should dress in a manner that, in addition to the following guidelines, takes into consideration the educational environment, safety, health and welfare of self and others. 

    • Clothing must cover the entire buttocks. Shirts and tops may not expose bare midriffs, bare shoulders, nor be deeply or narrowly cut in the front, back, or under the arms. Halter tops, spaghetti straps, and strapless tops are not acceptable. Clothing that exposes undergarments will not be tolerated for males or females.


    • Bare feet are never acceptable. For student safety, appropriate shoes must be worn at all times. Footwear such as slippers, slides, sandals, cleats, and wheeled footwear are not permitted. Closed shoes are to be worn for any type of physical activity, such as physical education, cheer practice, weight lifting, etc. 


    • Jewelry or ornamentation shall not be worn if it presents a safety hazard to self and/or others.  


    • No hats or head-coverings may be worn inside any campus buildings at anytime, except for properly approved occupational safety headgear required for special classes or headwear used for personal religious practices. 


    • Defamatory writing, obscene language or symbols, or symbols of drugs, sex, or alcohol on clothing or jewelry are expressly prohibited. 


    • Tattoos displaying defamatory writing, obscene language or symbols, or symbols of drugs, sex, or alcohol must be covered. 

    If found in violation of these standards, students will be removed from the classroom and given the opportunity to call home for a change of clothes. Students unable to contact home will be offered temporary clothes from the school which must be returned. Students will be assigned an alternative learning environment until clothing meeting dress code standards is worn.