• Dual Enrollment at Deer Valley High School

    Tuition Information

    Cost per Credit Hour: $97. Cost for Books: $0.

    English 101, 3 Credits: $291 Tuition + $15 Fees + $0 Books = $306 Total


    In-State University Average:

    English 101, 3 Credits: $1,974 Tuition + $153 Fees + $53 Books = $2,180 Total


    Payment Options Available:

    Tuition or a Payment Plan request is due upon registration with Rio Salado. Please see Rio Salado's website for the most up-to-date information on tuition and registration fees. Students will be dropped from a course for non-payment by the following Monday.

    • Payment Options:

      • Online: click on "My payment options/manage my payment plan" in your STUDENT CENTER

          • Pay in full or set-up a payment plan

          • Payment plans cost $20 per semester

    Phone: call the Cashier's Office at 480-517-8330





    The Maricopa Grant Application can be found at . Application is open from March to August. Funds are first-come first-served basis and is given based on economic need. Grant assistance usually covers up to 12 credits hours per year.

    Directions for applicants:

      • Complete all steps on the application; incomplete applications will not be considered.

      • Attach the required supporting documents to the application.

      • Apply online:  

    Notification of tuition assistance award will be sent by e-mail. Please ensure that all contact information is current and correct in the event that the college needs to contact you regarding your paperwork.

    If you have any questions about the amount due or to make a payment over the phone, please call the Cashier's office at 480-517-8330