• February, February 14


    • I will tell you when I want you to work on the activities below.
      • Watch 
        Go to the site below and look at the different examples. 
      • Come up with two ideas that you thought were cool.  Then think of an idea that you might have.
      • "Makey Examples (Cool Idea 1)"
      • "Makey Examples (Cool Idea 2)"
      • "Makey Creation (Your Idea)




    Februaray 13, 2024

    You will not be working on Paxton modules today.

    1.   This assignment will be worth a lot of points.  If you choose not to do it correctly, your grade will be affected.

    Scenario:  You are interested in obtaining your first job while still in high school.  To do so, you must go through an interview with a potential employer. 

    2.  I have given you 10 interview questions to answer.  You can either go to the link below or scroll down and fill out the form on this page.

    3.  One word or one sentence answers will give you very little credit for this assignment.  Answer the questions as if you were seeking a job. Spend at leas 3 or 4 minutes on each question.

    4.  Whether you have completed the questions or not, you must submit the form before you leave class.




    Monday, August 5

    Skip down to Number 3.  We are only doing number 4 today.


    1.Use the link below to answer the questions on Women in Computers

    2.  Go to the link below.  Pick a person.  On the back of your paper.  Summarize 3 things that the person said.

    3.  For each of the 5 main categories, write a paragraph explaining the information provided by the Prezi. 

    Your main topic for each paragraph will be "This is what I would be doing if I went into a career in...........

    4.  Use the link below to answer the questions on the "Video Game" worksheet.

    5.  Use the link below for information to help you with the "Troubleshooting" worksheet.



    Friday Quiz