Canyon Springs STEM Career Day Thursday, September 26th from 8:00-11:45

  •  Join us at Canyon Springs STEM Academy for our 2024 STEM Career Day event on Thursday, September 26th from 8:00-11:45


    EVENT is FULL at this time; Please join us for STEM Night on Thursday, March 13th 4:30-6:30 pm


    We would truly appreciate your presence this year at our event.  It is a way to bring real-world application to our students as they learn about how STEM relates to ALL fields.  

    Please reach out to your homeroom teacher OR (STEM Specialist) if you have any questions.



    Canyon Springs STEM Academy would like to invite any STEM Professionals to come and share information about their career with our students on our STEM Career Day. 


    Examples of some STEM Careers we would like to hear about:

    -       Fire fighters                 - Police Officers

    -       Pharmacists                - Computer careers

    -       Astronomers               - Avionics

    -       Chemists                     - Electrical Engineers

    -       Geographers               - Environmental Scientists

    -       Forensic Technicians   -    Mathematicians

    -       Medical Scientists     -    Biologists

    -       Robotics Engineers   -    Statisticians

    -       Zoologists                    - Solar Energy Engineers

    -       Wildlife Biologists      -    Social Science Researcher

    -       College Professors (Chemistry, Astronomy, Engineering, Physics, Environmental Science)

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    There are so many wonderful STEM Careers, even if you are not on this list, we would still like to hear from you.

    We look forward to hearing from you and thank you in advance for supporting our goal of promoting STEM to all of our students.



    Canyon Springs STEM PLC