• Reading Intervention Programs

    SIPPS  - Systematic Instruction in Phonological Awareness, Phonics, and Sight Words

    I currently use a research-based intervention program known as SIPPS.

    This intervention program helps students close the gaps in their phonological awareness, phonics and sight word knowledge. I incorporate reading stories that address each skill and basic comprehension skills as well. I work with children for 20 – 30 minutes 4 days a week working through these various skills.

    Periodic assessments are given in order to determine if growth is being made and additional interventions are provided if needed.

    95% Phonics Skills Series    Emphasis on phonics instruction

    This is an additional supplemental resource I may use as well. This intervention is for the reinforcement of all 5 short vowels in CVC words. It is designed to fill gaps and review specific phonics skills.