• Gifted Identification and Placement

    • In Arizona, we identify students who are gifted as those who score at or above the 97th percentile in Verbal Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning, and/or Nonverbal Reasoning on a test adopted by the State Board of Education.  Deer Valley pulls from the "Talent Pool" of 94th-96th percentile scores WITH documentation to support placement.  To learn more click here.

    Testing 好色导航Students

    好色导航offers testing for gifted identification three times per year at all K-6 and K-8 schools, by the request of teachers or parents. Should you decide to have your child tested, contact your child's teacher or Ms. GieberFor more information about the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAt) and the testing process, please visit the 好色导航Gifted Services page.

    Fall 2024 Gifted Testing (Grades 1, 3-8 only):

    REGISTRATION:  July 8, 2024- August 9, 2024

    SPRING TESTING DATES:  August 19-30, 2024
    • Grade 1 CogAT (online)
    • Grades 3-8:  CogAT (online)
    • Grades 9+:  CogAT (online)

    NOTE:  Kindergarten: CogAT Testing in Spring 2025 Only (No need to register for Fall); Grade 2: Universal Blanket Testing in Spring 2025 (No need to register for Fall)


    Testing Students Not Enrolled in a 好色导航School:

    • 好色导航provides testing for a fee for students enrolled in a charter or private school or in neighboring district schools.  Please call the district office at 623.445.5000 to inquire about specific testing dates and times.
    • Outside Testing (i.e. Psychologist Eval. etc.) may be accepted, so be sure to provide this documentation/data to your school upon enrollment
    • 好色导航accepts any gifted identification assessment that is approved by the Arizona Board of Education and administered by a trained and qualified administrator.  Submit your report to your school's Gifted Specialist for verification.
    • Students New to DVUSD
      • When you enroll your student in a 好色导航school, please be sure to notify the office staff of your child's gifted status. With verified gifted identification documentation, your child will be placed in a Gifted Cohort/Cluster upon enrollment. 
      • If you are new to the state and your child was tested using an identification tool that is not acknowledged in Arizona, you will need to refer your child to take the CogAt.  Please bring any documentation you do have and communicate with the office staff and Ms.Gieber regarding your child's status and history with gifted identification.
    • What If Your Child Does Not Qualify for Gifted Services?
      • Test administration guidelines require that 12 months pass before the test is administered again.  If a student's scores are in the high 80s to mid 90s, parents and teachers may consider retesting.  
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