

Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Grace Christiansen


Hello, I'm Ms. Christiansen and I am the 7th grade ELA teacher at Canyon Springs STEM Academy. 

I am an Arizona native, so born and raised here in the valley. I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, but if I am being honest, I love spending time with my two cats the most, Everest and Lily!  

I am excited about being on this journey with my students this year!  We are going to have an excellent year full of exploring ideas, developing a greater love for literature, working on our writing skills, and seeking answers to interesting questions. I firmly believe that learning is best achieved in a safe, loving and positive environment and I encourage my students to take risks and work together as a supportive community.  I also hope that my students will find learning our world's history as fascinating as I find it! 

Please feel free to contact me at any time  (email is best). I appreciate parents and students reaching out and will always try to do what is best for your child and am always happy to listen to any concerns or answer any questions that you have. It's going to be a terrific year!