• 2024-2025 7th Grade Social Studies Syllabus 

    Teacher: Mr. Lee

    Email: James.lee@dvusd.org

    Phone: 623-376-5076 

    Office Hours: As listed in class or by appointment 


    7th Grade Schedule:

    Period 1 Specials: 8:45-9:30

    Period 2 Exploratory: 9:30-10:15

    Period 3: 10:15-11:20

    Period 4: 11:20-12:05

    Lunch: 12:05-12:45 

    Period 4: 12:45-1:10

    Period 5: 1:10-2:20

    Period 6: 2:20-3:30

    7th GradeEarly Release Schedule:

    Period 1 Specials: 8:45-9:20

    Period 2 Exploratory: 9:20-9:55

    Period 3: 9:55-10:45 (50)

    Period 4: 10:45-11:35 (50)

    Period 5: 11:35-12:20 (45)

    Lunch: 12:20-1:05

    Period 6: 1:05-2:00 (55)

    What we will cover:


    ¡ñ Influence of the Scientific Revolution on innovation and the Enlightenment on the concept of rights

    ¡ñ Revolutions around the world such as the American Revolution, French Revolution, Russian Revolution, the Cultural Revolution (Mao Zedong), and Latin American revolutions

    ¡ñ Global imperialism and its lasting consequences on regional conflict, stability, Indigenous peoples, and human movement, including slavery and involuntary migrations

    ¡ñ Impact of industrialization and the rise of organized labor

    ¡ñ Global depressions

    ¡ñ World War I and World War II including the period between the wars with the rise of fascism

    ¡ñ Cold War including origins, nuclear deterrence, and outcome

    ¡ñ Global conflicts and their consequences such as the Korean War, Vietnam War, Arab-Israeli Conflict, and Gulf War

    ¡ñ Government and economic systems such as monarchy, dictatorship, theocracy, oligarchy, aristocracy, democracy, constitutional republic, anarchy, capitalism, socialism, and communism including founders, major tenets, practices, and writings

    ¡ñ Examination of primary and secondary sources including written and oral histories, images, and artifacts

    ¡ñ Disciplinary skills and processes including change and continuity over time, multiple perspectives, using and understanding sources, and cause and effect


    Materials needed: 


    • Pencils and Pens

    • Highlighters 

    • 2 Inch Binder

    • 7 Dividers 

    Class Expectations and Rules

    •  Follow the West Wing Way! Have respect, compassion, and integrity.

    •  Be prepared at the beginning of every class with the necessary materials.

    •  Follow directions.

    •  Participate and do your best.

    • Gum, food, drinks other than water, cell phones, electronics, and headphones may not be used in the classroom (unless directed otherwise).

    • Backpacks must be left under your desk at all times.

    • Be ready to Learn, Grow, and Succeed daily.

    Attendance/Absent Policy

    One of the best ways to be successful in this class is to be present! If you are absent, it is your job to check Canvas or communicate with me. You are responsible for retrieving and completing notes, turning in coursework, and scheduling missed assessments.


    Grading Policies

    It is your responsibility to keep up with the coursework. If you are missing an assessment or any coursework, it will be entered as a zero and marked as missing in the gradebook until you turn it in. If an assessment or any coursework has not been turned in within one week of the the unit ending it will be marked as 49%.


    Late work will be accepted for full credit up to 5 days after the end of an instructional unit or as discussed with the teacher. If you score less than a 50% on an assessment or any coursework, the score will be recorded as a 50%. You have the opportunity to show mastery on unit assessments (except for District exams). Reassessments must be done within 10 school days of receiving original score and follow reassessment requirements.

    Quarter Grade Calculation

    Assessments - 80% of overall class grade

    Coursework - 20% of overall class grade


    Extra credit will not be offered


    Academic Integrity

    To be college-, career-, and community-ready, students in the Deer Valley Unified School District are expected to demonstrate academic integrity. Academic integrity is all about being honest and fair in your schoolwork. It means doing work that is entirely your own and giving credit to others (including generative Artificial Intelligence tools) through proper citation when you use their ideas or words.

    This syllabus will be the first page in your binder. I reserve the right to make

    changes to the syllabus when needed.




    Return to Class August 7th 

    I have read, understood, and will adhere to all of the information given in the

    course syllabus.

    Student printed name _____________________________________________

    Student signature _____________________________________________

    Date __________________


    My student and I have read and understood the course syllabus.

    Parent signature _____________________________________________

    Date __________________