
    Gifted Humanities Seminar

    Welcome to the Gifted Humanities Seminar. This seminar is designed to immerse middle school students in an interdisciplinary exploration of significant themes that have shaped our world.

    Course Overview

    In the Gifted Humanities Seminar, students will:

    • Engage in Interdisciplinary Studies: Explore various subjects such as history, literature, science, and social studies, and understand how they intersect.

    • Work in Small Groups: Collaborate with peers to research and present findings.

    Areas of Research

    Students will delve into topics that include, but are not limited to:

    • Notable People: Study influential figures who have made significant contributions to society.

    • Conflicts and Cooperation: Analyze historical and contemporary conflicts and instances of cooperation that have shaped societies.

    • Social Movements: Investigate movements that have driven social change and their short and long term impacts.

    • Scientific and Literary Innovations: Explore groundbreaking scientific discoveries and literary works that have influenced human thought and progress.

    Hands-On Projects

    In addition to traditional research, students will participate in hands-on projects. These projects are designed to:

    • Enhance Understanding: Provide practical experience and deeper comprehension of the topics studied.

    • Encourage Creativity: Allow students to express their insights through creative and innovative methods.

    • Promote Collaboration: Foster teamwork and collaborative problem-solving skills.

    Course Goals

    By the end of this seminar, students will:

    • Develop critical thinking and research skills.

    • Gain a comprehensive understanding of significant historical and contemporary themes.

    • Enhance their ability to work collaboratively.

    • Participate in enriching hands-on projects that reinforce their learning.

    We look forward to a semester filled with discovery, learning, and creativity!