• Welcome to

    First Grade 

    The Red Hallway

    Website: /Domain/710

    Please be sure to check the Canyon Springs website for updates on school activities.

    Please schedule specific times to meet with me, as we need time to communicate effectively. I often have professional duties directly before and after school hours. Please understand that I will not be able to meet or discuss issues while I am teaching or supervising students. However, I will contact you as soon as I can.

             Daily Schedule

    School starts promptly at 8:15

    8:15 - 8:20 - Welcome/Morning Work/Announcements

    8:20 - 8:50 - Tier 3 Time (Focus on Individual Needs)

    8:50 - 9:10 - Foundational Skills (Phonics & Spelling)

    9:10 - 9:20 - Restroom Break

    9:20 - 10:00 - Reader’s/Writer’s Workshop

    10:00 - 10:40 - Small Group Instruction (Centers)

    10:40 - 11:20 - Recess & Lunch

    11:20 - 11:30 - Restroom Break

    11:30 - 12:45 - Math

    12:45 - 1:30 - Specials (See 6-day Rotation below)

    1:30 - 2:00 - Social Studies

    2:00 - 2:20 - Snack & Recess

    2:20 - 3:00 - Science (School dismisses at 3:00)

    Please have your child wear appropriate clothing on P.E. days!

    Canyon Springs STEM Academy Behavior Expectations

    All District Rules will be adhered to at Canyon Springs School. Please refer to the 好色导航Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook. We believe that students must treat others with the same respect with which they are treated by the adults in our school. We also believe that student’s actions, dress, possessions, etc., must not cause a problem for themselves or anyone else.

    P - Pledge to do your best!

    A - Accept responsibility!

    W - Work together!

    S - Safe choices!

    Classroom Management

    Positive Rewards

    Our classroom is going to focus on positive behaviors. Students will receive a Positive Behavior Punch Card for making good choices.  These behaviors will be rewarded with a punch on their card.  Once your child receives 20 punches, he/she may then select a Reward Coupon.  There are a variety of Reward Coupons to choose from. Positive Behavior Punch Cards will come home when they are full.

    Think Sheet

    If a student has made a choice in our classroom to not follow the rules, that student will fill out a think sheet to think about their choices that have been made. If the student makes another choice to not follow the rules they will fill out a think sheet in another teacher’s classroom. After a few think sheets have been filled out in class – your child can be assigned reflection time. All think sheets will be sent home at the end of the day so parents/guardians are able to see the choices made in class.


    Research provides strong evidence that, when used appropriately, homework is essential for increasing and reinforcing student learning and achievement of course standards.  好色导航work may be differentiated to meet the needs of our varied learners.  The intent of homework is to practice, extend learning, and provide opportunities for students to develop critical, independent study skills, and self discipline for their life-long educational journeys.

    好色导航work is practice of what is learned in class!

    AZ College and Career Ready Standards

    A New Way of Teaching and Learning

    English Language Arts

    The AZ College and Career Ready standards emphasize “text- based answers”, which means students need to carefully read and cite specific evidence to support their answers and interpretations of the text.

    Instead of reading and answering questions, students must now read and re-read, engage with, and analyze text as evidenced by their highlighting, annotating, and note-taking (prove their answers).


    Students find the answers and create the answers, demonstrate understanding by applying knowledge to real-world situations, and will share and explain their answers.  They will also find more than one way to find an answer with less teacher talk.

    Standards Based Grading 2024-2025

    We believe the primary goal of grading is to give feedback to both students and parents about the student’s progress in the learning process.

    Grades are a reporting tool utilized to reflect what a student knows and is able to do in a content area.  We measure achievement, not effort or behavior, in our grading system.

    PowerSchool is an essential resource for parents and students.  It is not only a tool for communication regarding grades, but it is also a resource for our students and parents to check progress, missing assignments, and what standards are being taught and learned regularly.  Please ensure that you and your child have access and even sign up for weekly email updates as an option in PowerSchools.  You must contact the school office to get your child’s login information. Classroom teachers are unable to provide login information.


    • 4 = Demonstrates above grade level proficiency independently
    • 3 = Demonstrates grade level proficiency independently
    • 2 = Demonstrates above grade level proficiency with support
    • 1 = Demonstrates below grade level proficiency with support

    Independently = The ability to demonstrate the proficiency standards without help.


    Skills for the Year

    Reading: Read fluently and accurately, answer questions about stories, retell stories in order, main idea, text features, sight words, phonics skills, grammar

    Math: Numbers to 120, place value, addition and subtractions, word problems, measurement, time, money, shapes

    Writing: Complete sentences, correct spacing, correct punctuation, letter formation and handwriting, informational writing, opinion writing, narrative writing

    Science: Matter, properties of objects, how things move, objects in the sky, natural resources, Earth’s materials, weather patterns, animals, plants, habitats, scientific inquiry process, scientific contributions

    Social Studies: Rights and responsibilities, citizenship, maps, timelines, exploration, colonization, early civilizations, national symbols, Arizona symbols, economics

    Classroom Procedures

    Daily Folder - Your child will bring home a daily folder. It needs to be brought to school every day and checked every night. Please check their folders for papers that need to be signed or looked over. You may see papers come that are not graded. This may mean that we did it together as a class and the paper was not graded or it was part of their center which is practice and is not graded. Please remind your child if there is a paper in their folder they need to give me, they need to make sure to take it out of their folder.

    Contact Information - It is very important that we have current/working phone numbers to be able to reach you in case of an emergency. If your phone number changes, please let the teacher and the office know as soon as possible.

    Absences – Please call the attendance line to report any absences at 623-376-5290

    Toys/Items from 好色导航 – Please keep all toys, figurines, jewelry (unless they are wearing it) and such at home. They create a huge distraction in the classroom. Thank you for your cooperation. 

    Birthday Celebrations – Food will no longer be permitted into our classrooms for individual birthday celebrations due to the large number of students at Canyon Springs with life-threatening food allergies. We truly appreciate your understanding, but, you are welcome to purchase a Birthday Bucket through the cafeteria.

    Arrival – Students can enter the school campus at 8:00. First grade students will put their backpacks by the classroom and go to the playground. At 8:10 students will be dismissed to the classroom where they will line up.

    Dismissal – 3:00 – A teacher will accompany all students to the bus and parent drop off areas after school for the first week or two of school. It is very important that if your child’s method of transportation changes, please let us know about it. Please send a note with your child or an email. I want to make sure your child gets to the right place. If your child is meeting up with an older sibling, please make sure they know where the meeting spot is.

    Volunteering – Parent Involvement is all about children. Participation in your child’s education has proven to boost his or her achievement in school. I am committed to treating parents as partners while keeping lines of communication open and focusing on the needs of your child. Mutual trust and respect between parents and teachers is required to maintain a positive learning experience at any school. I believe that your trust in Canyon Springs is required to ensure your child’s success.

    Volunteerism in any form is greatly appreciated at Canyon Springs School. Deer Valley Unified School District requires all school volunteers to take the 好色导航Volunteer training course offered throughout the year (if you have taken this in previous years, you are all set). Volunteers must set specific dates and times with the teachers. It is imperative to establish an important role for the volunteer without interrupting the learning environment. Parent volunteerism in the classroom during the school-day varies based on need, teachers, and grade levels.

    We are going to have an AMAZING year!