• 2024 - 2025 West Wing Student Council



    • Grades will be checked every other week. It is your responsibility to check in frequently with your teachers if you have missing assignments or below 3.0 gpa. If you have below a 3.0 GPA, you will be put on probation. GPA is based off the four core classes only (math, science, ELA and social studies) If your GPA is not a 3.0 or higher by the following grade check, you will be removed from Student Council.
    • If you have 2 unexcused absences from any student council meetings, you will be removed from Student Council. (Unexcused absences include missing a meeting without at least 24 hours email notice.) If your absence is marked unexcused in school on meeting days, that counts as an unexcused absence for Student Council. All absence notifications must be done via email to Ms. Carpenter - lisa.carpenter@dvusd.org
    • If you have 3 absences from student council events, excused or not, you will be put on probation. An overall total of 5 absences will result in removal from student council.
    • Missing more than the first 15 minutes of any meeting, will be considered an unexcused absence. Frequent tardiness (arrival of more than 5 minutes past meeting start time) may be cause for removal from student council.
    • More than 1 office referral per quarter may result in removal from student council. 
    • Any in school or out of school suspensions will be cause for immediate removal from Student Council. 
    • Student Council advisors will be checking student “Steps” frequently. Multiple steps, or receiving a step each week may result in probation or removal from Student Council.
    • Any negative representation of West Wing School through technology misconduct (ex. Inappropriate comments on Instagram, texting, etc.) will result in removal from student council.
    • Student council members are expected to display exemplary character; this includes honesty, respect, proper academic behavior, proper social media/technology behavior, language and adhering to school dress code. Reports from any staff member on campus that the above characteristics are not being shown will be taken into account when considering the continuation of membership.
    • Field Trips are earned based on grades, attendance, participation, and good behavioral standing. If you have any missing assignments or a gpa of below 3.0 one week before a field trip, you will not be able to attend the field trip. I understand that these leadership experiences have a financial commitment as well. No refunds will be given, no exceptions. 


    *All disciplinary action is at the discretion of the student council advisors and administration*