• West Wing Student Council

    Disneyland Leadership Workshop 2025

    Student Council members are invited to join us on our Disneyland Leadership field trip. Students, teachers, and chaperones will spend two days between Disneyland and California Adventure. Students will be participating in a leadership workshop at the Disney Imagination Campus on Thursday, November 14th. In addition, students will be able to bond and enjoy the parks.

    The trip will be from Wednesday, November 13 to Friday, November 15.  Students will be expected to report to West Wing as normal on Wednesday, November 13. At 11:30 am, we will take a charter bus to Anaheim, CA where we will stay at Element Hotel. Students will leave Disneyland on Friday evening around 6:30 pm. and we are expected to return back to West Wing around 12:30 am (Saturday morning). Parents will need to arrange for their child to be picked up at this time. The cost of the trip is $650 for students and $600 chaperones. This includes the price for the Disney workshop and park tickets, charter bus, t-shirt, Disney gift cards and sleeping accommodations. 

    Payment dates are in place to make the cost of the Disneyland Leadership Field Trip more manageable for families.  Payment can be made in full in one payment as well (due September 6th). Please make arrangements so that the payments can be made on time. No refunds will be issued for this field trip. 

    Payment due dates: $350 due September 6th, $300 due October 13th

    Parents may choose to take advantage of the tax credit

    All payments will all be made online via Touchbase.

    Arizona Tax Credit Information

    *This field trip will be open to Officers and 8th grade students first. Your first payment will secure your child’s spot! If there are additional spots available, they will open on a first come, first serve basis to the 7th grade students after September 6th. 

  • West Wing Student Council

    Disneyland Trip Nov. 2024



    Wednesday, Nov. 13

    • 10:30 AM Begin initial check-in of Chaperones, students, medicine, and baggage in West Wing MPR

    • 11:00 AM Begin Loading Coaches

    • 11:30 AM Wheels up and travel begins 

    • 2:45 - 3:00 PM Rest Stop (Ehrenberg)

    • 6:45 - 7:00 PM Arrive at Element Hotel, student room assignments, order pizza, evening medications with Ms. Carpenter.

    • 8:00 - 10:30 PM Downtown Disney

    • 11:00 - Student Room check-in.

    • 11:30 PM Final Room Checks and lights out.


    Thursday, Nov. 14

    • 6:30 - 7:30 AM Breakfast Provided at the Springhill Suites (Morning Medications)

    • 7:30 - 8:30 AM Walk with chaperone groups to Disneyland Park

    • 8:30 AM Enter Disneyland Park: student chaperone groups enjoy rides, meals, and bonding in the Disneyland Park. 

    • 12:30 PM Whole group meetup for mid-day medications

    • 1:00 - 4:00 PM Arrive at Disney Imagination Campus for Leadership Workshop.

    • 4:00 - 10:00 PM student chaperone groups enjoy rides, meals and bonding in the Disneyland Park. Individual meet-ups for medication with Ms. Carpenter.

    • 10:00 PM Return to the hub between Disneyland and DCA (attendance check and begin walking in groups to the Element Hotel)

    • 11:00 PM Student room check-in.

    • 11:30 PM Final Room Checks and lights out.


    Friday, Nov. 15

    • 6:30 - 7:30 AM Breakfast Provided at the Springhill Suites (Morning Medications)

    • 7:30 - 8:00 AM Student room check and luggage check 

    • 8:00 - 8:30 AM Walk with chaperone groups to Disney California Adventure Park

    • 8:30 AM Enter Disney California Adventure: student chaperone groups enjoy rides, meals, and bonding in the Disney Park. Individual meet-ups for medication with Ms. Carpenter.

    • 1:00 PM Whole group meet-up for mid-day medications and distribution of the $35 Disney gift cards for dinner/big meal

    • 1:30 PM Large Group Photo in front of the Pixar Pier Bay.

    • 1:30 - 6:00 PM student chaperone groups enjoy rides, meals, and bonding in Disney California Adventure Park

    • 6:30 - Return to the hub between Disneyland and DCA (attendance check and begin loading bus)

    • 7:00 PM Bus is boarded and wheels up for our return to Arizona (Evening Medications)

    • 10:30 - 10:45 PM Rest Stop (Ehrenberg)

    • 12:30 AM Busses arrive back at West Wing School for student checkout and chaperone debriefing.