• Attendance/Absence Procedures


    If your child is unable to attend school, please call the automated attendance line using the voice mail telephone number at (623) 445-8490. Follow the prompts to record your child’s absence. This service is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If you need to speak directly with the attendance clerk, you may do so by dialing (623) 445-8406.

    An unreported absence will result in a telephone call/e-mail from the attendance clerk to the parent at home or at work. Arizona State guidelines for student attendance are as follows:

    ·         0% to less than 50% of instructional time equals full day absent

    •     50% to less than 75% of instructional time equals half day absent

    ·         75% of instructional time and up equals full day present

    Medical and dental appointments are excused absences; however, please try to schedule these before or after school hours. REMEMBER: Students must be fever-free for a minimum of 24 hours before returning to school.

    Our first priority is the well-being of our students. When students are absent, they have one day for each absence to make up their work upon their return. If your child is absent due to illness for multiple days and you would like to request some work, please allow 24 hours for teachers to provide the assignments. 

    Any unexcused absence (without the prior knowledge and consent of parent/guardian and/or without notification to the office), including an unexcused absence from even one class period a day, is considered a truancy.

    The CUTS (Court Unified Truancy Suppression) Program is a truancy diversion program. Students will be referred to the CUTS program on their 5th unexcused absence or when the student has been absent ten percent of the school year. More information on the CUTS program is available in the 好色导航Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook.


    Circumstances outside of the student and/or parents' reasonable control will be considered an excused tardy (school bus problems, doctor/dentist visits).  If a student exhibits a pattern of tardies or absences due to medical issues, parents should consult the school nurse to discuss options and policies for chronic health conditions.

    Unexcused Tardies:

    Unexcused tardies will result in the following consequences:


    On the 5th tardy:  An lunch detention will be assigned and parent conference          


    On the 10th tardy:  Parent conference




    Early pick up

    If it is necessary to pick up your child during school hours you need to report to the school office to sign him/her out. Once you sign your child out, a staff member will call your child to the front office.  

    For your child's protection:

    ·         Your child will not be released to anyone except his/her parents or the contacts you have indicated on the Emergency Card.

    ·         Picture identification will be required.

    ·         A note or telephone call is NOT sufficient to have your child released from school.

    ·         Only in special situations will students be excused from 3:15- 3:30 PM.  Academic time is valuable, and we need to work together to protect it.  15 minutes a day over the course of a month represents almost a full school day.  Releasing students early for non-medical reasons is disruptive and interferes with the teacher’s closure procedures. 

    ·         Please park in the parking lot when picking your child up.


    Parents are requested to notify the school office when a student is to be withdrawn from school. The parent must sign an official withdrawal form when a student is withdrawn. This will enable us to send your child’s academic records to his/her next school. Students are responsible for returning all school items, library books, etc. upon withdrawal from school.  Replacement fees will be charged.