

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Lia House

Hello!  My name is Lia House, and I will be teaching your child this year.  I am an Arizona native, and I grew up attending school in the Deer Valley School District.  I attended Northern Arizona University where I received my bachelors degree in education, and a masters degree in reading.  
I have been teaching in the Deer Valley District for the last 27 years.  I have taught kindergarten, second, and third grade.  I have spent most of my teaching career in second and third grade.  I have been teaching third grade the last seven years at Highland Lakes, and I am really enjoying it!  I believe in a well-balanced classroom that provides a respectful, safe, fun, yet disciplined environment to maximize learning.  I set high expectations for the class, keeping in mind what is developmentally appropriate for the child.  I feel that teaching the content areas with varying methods (hands-on activities, exploration, inquiry, small group activities, individual assignments, etc.) provides children multiple opportunities to learn.  My goal is to prepare your child academically and socially for fourth grade.  I am very excited to work with your child and watch them grow to their full potential.  I know this is going to be a fun year filled with many memorable days.