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    Reading Street
                      Reading Skills for Unit 1
    Week 1:  Charlie McButton Lost His Power
    Focus Skill:  Literary Elements   Word Study Skill:  Short Vowel Syllables VC/CV
    Week 2:  What About Me?
    Focus Skill:  Sequence   Word Study Skill:  Plurals -s, -es, -ies
    Week 3:  Kumak's Fish
    Focus Skill:  Sequence   Word Study Skill:  Base Word Endings -ed, -ing, -er, -est
    Week 4:  Supermarket
    Focus Skill:  Compare & Contrast   Word Study Skill:  Vowel Digraphs ee, ea; ai, ay; oa, ow
    Week 5:  My Rows and Piles of Coins
    Focus Skill:  Author's Purpose   Word Study Skill:  Vowel Diphthongs ou, ow; oi, oy
       Reading Skills for Unit 2
    Week 1:  Penguin Chick
    Focus Skill:  Main Idea and Details   Word Study Skill:  Syllables V/CV and VC/V
    Week 2:  I Wanna Iguana
    Focus Skill:  Compare and Contrast   Word Study Skill:  Final Syllable -le

    Week 3:  Purdy's Problem and How She Solved It

    Focus Skill:  Drawing Conclusions   Word Study Skill:  Compound Words
    Week 4:  Tops and Bottoms
    Focus Skill:  Author's Purpose  
    Word Study Skill:  Three Letter Blends
    Week 5:  Amazing Bird Nests 
    Focus Skill:  Main Idea & Detail
    Word Study Skill:  Consonant Digraphs /sh/, /th/, /f/, /ch/, /ng/

    Reading Skills for Unit 3


    Week 1:  How Do You Raise a Raisin?
    Focus Skill:  Draw Conclusions   Word Study Skill:  Syllables Contractions 
    Week 2:  Pushing Up the Sky
    Focus Skill:  Draw Conclusions   Word Study Skill:  Syllables Contractions 
    Week 3:  Seeing Stars 
    Focus Skill:  Graphic Sources   Word Study Skill:  Spelling the /j/, /k/, and /s/ sounds 
    Week 4:  Symphony of Whales 
    Focus Skill:  Making Generalizations   Word Study Skill:  Suffixes -ly, -ful, -less, -ness, -able, -ible
    Week 5:  Around One Cactus 
    Focus Skill:  Cause and Effect   Word Study Skill:  Consonant Patterns wr, kn, gn, st, mb 
    Reading Skills for Unit 4
    Week 3:  Rocks in His Head 
    Focus Skill:  Fact and Opinion   Word Study Skill:  Prefixes pre-, mid-, over-, out-, bi-, de-
    Week 4:  America's Champion Swimmer:  Gertrude Ederle 
    Focus Skill:  Fact and Opinion   Word Study Skill:  Suffixes -er, -or, -ess, -ist
    Week 5:  Fly, Eagle, Fly! 
    Focus Skill:  Cause and Effect   Word Study Skill:  Syllable Pattern VCCCV 
    Reading Skills for Unit 5
    Week 1:  Suki's Kimono 
    Focus Skill:  Compare and Contrast   Word Study Skill:  Syllables CV/VC