• Dismissal Procedure
     Parent Pick-up:  If your child will be picked up by a parent or guardian, you will need to pick up your kindergartner at the Kindergarten gate.  Dismissal time begins at 3:10-3:20pm.  You can pull through the BUS parking lot, please do NOT leave your car. We will have your child get in and then you can pull up to the buckle up zone.

    Sibling Pick-Up:  Please have older siblings pick up your kindergartner at the kindergarten gate.  

    Bus/Day Care van:  Bus and Day Care riders will be escorted to the bus or van.

    Viper Den:  Students will be escorted to the MPR for the after school program.


    Communication/好色导航work Folders

    Your child will bring home a GREEN homework folder every Monday.  When you see this come home, please take the time to check what is inside.  The weekly homework will be inside along with other items from the classroom or office.  This folder MUST be returned every FRIDAY with the homework completed.  Thank you for your support in helping your student gain responsibility. Your child will also have a purple folder that goes home every day. This needs to be emptied each night. Thank you!

    Classroom Birthdays
    It is always an exciting time to celebrate a birthday at school!  You are welcome to send in approved treats if you wish.  They must be store bought treats and on the approved snack list. You can also order a birthday bucket from the cafeteria. This is probably the easiest to do! Birthdays are celebrated towards the end of the school day.  There is an approved snack list on the main website page

    We would appreciate it if you could let us know the day before if you are planning to provide treats, so we can plan for that time in our lessons.

    Other Information
    Kindergarten Store

    Every Friday we have a kindergarten store.  Items in the store are either .25 or .50 cents.  The money is used used to purchase more items for the store and to make scrapbooks for each student at the end of the year.

    Book Orders Each month we will send home a book order.  You are not obligated to order.  We offer it to you as  a convienent and less expensive way to build a home library.   It is also a great motivation for students to develop of love for reading.

    Field Trips In Kindergarten we will take field trips 2 times throughout the year.  Information will always come home before an event.  We love to have chaperones on field trips.  

    Share Bag

    Periodically your child will be sent home with our "share bag."  Your child may bring ONE object from home (nothing breakable) to share with the class.  This is an enjoyable time for them and they are practicing their listening and speaking skills.  Please NO GUNS, SWORDS, OR WEAPONS!  (this is the only time toys should be brought to school.)

    General If any pertinent information chages (phone number, address) please let us know as soon as possible.