• Seuss



    Dear Parents,

    The Sierra Verde staff is making a commitment to reading!  All research identifies that increased reading is the single best way to improve a child’s reading.  With this in mind, we have selected our theme for the 2024-2025 “Read Across America Week”.   It is “Grow  Your Brain...READ!”.  Read Across America Week will be celebrated from February 24th - February 28  This event celebrates reading and honors one of the best loved children’s authors, Dr. Seuss.

    Sierra Verde is not waiting until March to celebrate Dr. Seuss and his powerful message.  We are asking families and students  to read for 20 minutes every day. 
    The 2024-2025 school year will also begin with a reading challenge for all Sierra Verde Vipers!  A Read-A-Thon will be held during the first quater.  Students will be taking pledges from friends and family as they commit to reading!  More information will follow in August!

    Happy Reading!