

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Martin


My name is Breanne Martin, and I am very excited to be the reading specialist this year at Canyon Springs! I am looking forward to getting to know each of you this school year.

I wanted to tell you a little about myself. I graduated from Northern Arizona University with a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education and a Master’s degree in Elementary Education with a reading endorsement. This is my 23rd year of teaching.  I have taught kindergarten, first grade, second grade, and have been a reading specialist in the 好色导航 area.

I was born in California and moved to Arizona when I was 11. I have been married to my husband Travis for 20 years. We have been blessed with 2 amazing daughters – Julia who is 16 years old and Chloe who is 12 years old.  We have a 2 yellow labs name Kaya and Ranger, a bird named Lucky, and many fish. Our family loves to be outdoors, going to all of our kids sporting events, and exploring new places. When I am not busy working, I can be found with my family, reading, drinking coffee, or working on crafts.

My goals is to create a reading classroom where students are excited to learn and try new things. I set high expectations for myself as well as my students. I truly believe that families and teachers need to work together for the success of each child.

Thank you in advance for your support this school year! We are going to have a great year!

~ Mrs. Martin