
    Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills
    DIBELS  8th edition is a series of short tests given to students in grades K-3 to screen and monitor their progress in learning the necessary skills to become successful readers.  The DIBELS screener is given 3 times per school year in August, December, and May. 
    At Canyon Springs the DIBELS tests are used to:
    • identify students who may be at risk in reading in grades K-3
    • help classroom teachers plan for small group instruction and monitor the needs and goals for all students
    • monitor at-risk students who receive targeted instruction from the classroom teacher and reading specialist


    The Five Essential Skill Areas of Early Literacy

    • Phonemic Awareness - the ability to hear and manipulate sound in spoken words
    • Phonics - knowing the letter sounds in written words
    • Reading Fluency - the ability to read easily and quickly with few mistakes
    • Vocabulary - understanding the meaning of words
    • Reading Comprehension - understanding of what has been read

    Your child's teacher can provide you with his/her score from the benchmark testing.