

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Mata

Hello! I am very excited to begin another year here at Sonoran Foothills!  I feel absolutely privileged to teach at such an outstanding school with such wonderful students, staff, parents, and families.  I have had wonderful experiences at this school, and I am sure this year will be another great one!

I graduated from ASU with a Bachelors degree in Elementary Education with an emphasis on Early Childhood.  This will be my 25th year teaching in the Deer Valley District.  In my career I have taught 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades. 

My husband and I have 4 beautiful daughters, and we are so proud of all of them.  I really enjoy being outdoors and doing outdoor activities like hiking and camping.  I don't do a lot of cooking (my husband is the chef in our family), but I do love to bake!  I have a bit of a sweet tooth, so desserts are a favorite of mine. One of my favorite times of the year is Shark Week.  I love, love, love learning about Great White Sharks.  I find them so interesting!  If I couldn't be a teacher, I think I would be a shark biologist.   A dream of mine is to swim near Great White sharks in one of those underwater cages.  I would probably be crazy scared, but I think I would love it! 

Now you know a little bit about me.  I look forward to learning about you!