
    Prescription Medication: must be in pharmacy-labeled packaging, brought to the front office BY A PARENT, and accompanied by a Medical Authorization to Administer Medication form SIGNED BY A PHYSICIAN. This can be found in the "Forms" section of this website. No prescription medication will be given at school without this completed form. 


    Over The Counter Medication: must be brought to the front office BY A PARENT in its original packaging/bottle. This includes Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Cough Drops, Allergy medication, Antacids, Neosporin.  A Medical Authorization to Administer Medication form will be completed by the parent and the nurse with medication drop off. 


    The health center does not stock any medication for students. Students may never be in possession of any prescription or over-the-counter medication on campus (including anti-itch creams and cough drops). Special provisions can be made for the use of emergency medications, such as Inhalers and Epi Pens, but this must be arranged through the nurse.