    oc sports med
    The Introduction to Sports Medicine course is a year-long course, in the Career & Technical Education Department (CTE), designed for students who are interested in fields such as athletic training, physical therapy, medicine, nursing, fitness, physiology of exercise, kinesiology, nutrition, EMT, and other sports medicine related fields. It is offered as a work-based learning course to provide students with an avenue through which to explore these fields of study.  
    Advanced Sports Medicine can be more demanding than Intro to Sports Medicine. Students will cover topics including basic anatomy, medical terminology, tissue healing, legal and ethical concerns, physical fitness assessment, nutrition, sports psychology, therapeutic modalities and therapy and exercise programs. Students will get OSHA-10 certified.  Students will learn through a hands on approach in our new Sports Medicine facility.  
    PREREQUISITIE: Introduction to Sports Medicine.
    NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SPORTS MEDICINE-Certified Personal Training:
     Students will learn about the essentials to personal fitness training. Students will be introduced to the human movement system, the Optimum Performance Training (OPT) model and other domains of basic exercise science; assessment; exercise technique and training instruction; program design; considerations in nutrition; client relations and behavioral coaching; and professional development, practice, and responsibility.
    Students will take the National Certification test in the Spring at a testing facility.  Upon Graduation they can seek a job as a Personal Trainer.  Class fees are required.
    PREREQUISITE: Advanced Sports Medicine. 
    This course is a supervised work experience of a minimum of 5 hours per week (paid or unpaid) in a position within the Sports Medicine industry. This internship provides on-the-job experience and valuable industry networking. Students must provide their own transportation to their worksite. ADDITIONAL INTERNSHIP SITE REQUIREMENTS MAY BE REQUIRED FOR STUDENT PARTICIPATION. A STUDENT APPLICATION AND TRAVEL FORM IS REQUIRED. Internship is delivered through the Deer Valley Online Learning Program.
    PREREQUISITE: Advanced Sports Medicine (Concurrently or previously taken)
    College credit is available through our Dual Enrollment program with Rio Salado College.  Students can earn 9 college credits for completion of the program. Fees are discounted.  
    *Introduction to Sports Medicine:
    HES154-First Aid and CPR-1st Semester-3 credits
    HES271-Prevention & Treatment of Athletic Injuries-2nd Semester-3 credits
    *Advanced Sports Medicine:
    HES274-Rehabilation Techniques of Athletic Injuries-3 credits
    HOSA:  There is a student organization-HOSA that is affiliated with our Sports Medicine currculum.  Any student interested in further developing their leadership skills and learning more about health and medicine should join.  HOSA-Future Health Professionals. Please visit the link to find out more information.  ,