

    On this site, you and your child can:

    • Learn about the positive impact Band has on the lives of students
    • Watch video demonstrations of every musical instrument available in 5th grade Band here at Sonoran Foothills School
    • Watch interviews of students and parents discussing their experience with Beginning Band
    • Play the Instrument Matching Tool game to assess your child’s musical skills and discover what instrument they may like to play

    And lastly,

    • Submit an Interest Form, which will let me know that your child is interested in band! IMPORTANT: When completing the Interest Form, please include your child’s first, second, and third choices for instruments they wish to play. I will do my best to ensure your child can play the instrument they want, while still maintaining a balanced instrumentation in the band!

    After you complete the Interest Form, I will contact you about how to get an instrument for your child. There are many affordable options. If for financial reasons, you are hesitant to enroll your child in band, do not worry. There are limited instruments available to borrow from Sonoran Foothills free of charge!