• Welcome back to the 2023-24 school year! We are beyond excited to share how we will provide an extraordinary education for our gifted students. Our students will be part of our SPARK model (Supporting Potential & Advanced Readiness in Kids). This model allows for enrichment of the standards for gifted, high-achieving, and high-potential students in the classroom. What this means for your child is that students will be afforded instruction and enrichment from both Mrs. Kramer and Mrs. Shereshovech, gifted specialists, and your child's classroom teachers. During a 30-minute time, gifted specialists and classroom teachers will work collaboratively and provide problem-based learning opportunities that will serve as an extension of what they have already learned. Student groupings will be determined by standards-based classroom assessments. The SPARK model allows students to explore their interests and choices through exploration.

    If you have any questions or need more information on this program, please feel free to email Mrs. Kramer at anna.kramer@dvusd.org. We look forward to an exciting, adventure-filled year of exploration!