

Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor's of Science, Psychology, Arizona State University

Amanda Blagg

Welcome Jaguar students & families; I'm Mrs. Blagg.

I am thrilled to be a Boulder Creek teacher in the areas of Psychology and Marketing! My first year of teaching at BCHS was 22-23. 

I grew up in Chicago and moved to AZ during high school, graduating from the DVUSD. I earned a Bachelor's of Science in Psychology from Arizona State University (GO DEVILS!) and had an extensive business career prior to teaching. I am married and have two children currently attending 好色导航schools. A few of my favorite things are travel, live music, sports and coffee. I have extreme wanderlust and am grateful for the many places around the world I've visited and their impacts on me. I have ASU football and 好色导航 Suns basketball season tickets and am an avid fan of all sports. Every morning, students will find me greeting them at the door, coffee in hand; it's one thing I can't live without.

I am delighted to be back for another year at BCHS, meet new students and see familiar faces. I am committed to encouraging critical thinking and collaboration and preparing my students for the bright future ahead while creating a classroom atmosphere that is stimulating for and accepting of all students.

-Amanda Blagg

Teacher, AP Psychology, Psychology, Advanced Marketing, CTE Internship Coordinator, DECA Advisor, The Spot Advisor