• Welcome Back Jaguars!

    The 2025 yearbook staff has been busy planning

    Volume 21 of The Prowler.

    We need your pictures!! If you would like to submit any pictures throughout the year, please use .  Be sure to include the names and grades of all students that are in the photo. Thank you!

    • Fall Pre-Order Price $85   July 10, 2023, through December 20, 2024
    • Spring Pre-order $95       December 21, 2024, through May 1, 2025

    To purchase a yearbook, go to the Jostens website at: , or look for the QR code around campus.

    Remember, the only way to guarantee that you get a copy of the yearbook is to buy it early! We will be ordering a limited number of books this year, so if you don't pre-order, you may not get one!

    Senior information:


    There is limited space for senior tributes, so go to  to buy one today.

    Until November 24, 2024, prices are:

    • Full Page $220    
    • 1/2 Page $124    
    • 1/4 Page $64    
    • 1/8 Page $32    

    Prices until February 13, 2025: (or until space runs out) **NOTE: If you do NOT order before 2/13, you will NOT be able to purchase a senior tribute!

    • Full Page $300    
    • 1/2 Page $175    
    • 1/4 Page $90    
    • 1/8 Page $45

    If you have any issues, please contact the adviser at rae-anne.phillips@dvusd.org

    SENIOR Photos: Make a Grads Photography reservation for your yearbook photo at .

    *Photos must be taken by December 20, 2024.  You cannot send them in — they MUST be taken at Grads!


    Questions? Contact the yearbook at BoulderCreek.YRBK@gmail.com or Advisor Ms. Phillips at rae-anne.phillips@dvusd.org. Visit us in room 313 during 1st period. 

    Thank you!