• Hi/Holla All,

    This year 2024-2025, I will be teaching English Learners at BCHS. We will learn how to read, comprehend and speak English better. You, in turn, will help me learn a few words in your native language. I bet you will learn English faster than I will learn your native language, but I will try. And that is all I expect from my students--effort. It will be a fun year too and we will learn a lot. 

    Please go to CANVAS for more information, assignments, syllabus...CANVAS is where the majority of the work will be assigned and turned in. There will be announcements too.

    **I am planning on using CANVAS most of the time this year. Please being in your District-supplied iPad. It is necessary. CANVAS will also have current lessons, assignments, calenders, contacts...Some work will still be paper so please bring in pens, pencils and papers.**  Cell phones will not be needed.
    I have already placed a few announcements on CANVAS about me and school.
    Syllabus: There will be an electronic copy on CANVAS..
    Thank you.
    Mr. LeBlanc