• BCHS 2024-2025 Student & Parent Handbook

    SR&R Handbook 2024-2025 ~ English

    SR&R Handbook 2024-2025 ~ Spanish


    1. A warning bell will ring one minute before the final bell.

    2. When the final bell stops ringing, any student not in his/her assigned classroom will be considered late to class and marked Tardy in PowerSchool attendance by their teacher.

    3. Staff will follow the MTSS-B process for interventions and consequences for excessive tardies. 

    4. If a student is late to first-period class, after the final bell, a parent must accompany the student to the office to be signed in (See late arrivals).

    5. If a student is tardy first period and goes to OCR for a late pass, the student will serve a lunch detention the day of the tardy. 

    If the student is a driver with a BCHS parking permit, the student may lose their privilege to park on campus and/or extra-curricular activity privileges due to excessive tardiness.