• TSW Teacher

      Mrs. Kuhl
    I am the TSW Senior Career Development Teacher at BCHS.
    The Transition School to Work (TSW) Program, in partnership with Vocational Rehabilitation, assists students with disabilities in the transition process from school into competitive employment and/or post-secondary training and education. The purpose of this program is to help students develop skills they can utilize beyond their high school experience. A variety of services will be offered to guide the students toward becoming competitively employed and/or enrolled in a post-secondary or vocational program following their exit from high school.
    Students may receive the following, but not limited to: job placement and/or training services, job related instruction, independent living skills training, and assistance with transition planning. All services are based on individual needs regarding post-secondary goals.
    Room 102A
    623-445-8434 (Classroom)
    623-824-1749 (TSW Cell Phone)