• Classroom
    Guidelines for Sierra Verde

    Digory in the Classroom


    We look at the academic success of each student as the result of the student, parents/guardians and teachers working together as a team. With the access of PowerSchools, parents and students will be able to constantly monitor academic progress so there should never be any surprises.  Beyond this, every parent/guardian should feel free to contact any teacher if they have a question or concern. Please note that for a quicker response, e-mail is usually the most efficient way to correspond and this can be found under teacher contact.

    We also feel that having an open communication line between teacher and student is vitally important. If a student feels lost in any assignment or has any concerns, he or she needs to bring it up to his/her teacher right away. If there is not time during class, an appointment can be set up that works for both the student and teacher to better address the matter. It may not always be obvious to a teacher if a student has a question so he or she must take the initiative to seek help. Only as a team can we work towards each student’s academic potential. 

    Student Rights & Responsibilities Handbook
    Every student will have access to the most current Student Rights and Responsibilities handbook. It is very important that all students and their parents/guardians make themselves familiar with these district policies. A copy can also be downloaded from the district’s website.

    Behavior Policy
    The following is an outline of parameters that must be followed in order to ensure optimal success in the classroom and provide for a smoothly run class. This program is designed to promote positive cooperation between parent, student, and school.

    School wide expectations are based on Viper Pride and the Six Pillars of Character as outlined in the “Character Counts Program”. 

        Be Respectful  
        Be Responsible  
       Be Safe  
       Be Kind

    Always be safe, responsible, respectful, and kind.

    You may not verbally or physically disrupt the educational process of any student
    Bullying will never be tolerated - either physical or verbal
    Always be prepared for class with homework and supplies

    Follow all class and school rules

    If a student CHOOSES to violate any of these expectations, there will be consequences for their actions. The following is a breakdown of the graduated step-approach of consequences: 

         1st Offense –  Verbal or visual warning, GRIT card infraction
         2nd-4th Offense – GRIT card infraction
         5th Offense –  A detention will be assigned and parent notified
         Serious Offense –  Other disciplinary action according to the District handbook

    Depending on the seriousness of the offense a student might be issued a detention or suspension without the previous steps at the discretion of the teacher and/or administration. 

    It is very important that every student is in his or her desk and ready to learn at the start of every class. Any student who reaches 3 unexcused tardies in a class per quarter will receive a detention from that teacher – this also includes being late for 1st period.

    Restroom Use
    It is the expectation that students will use the restroom before school, during lunch breaks and after school. Using the restroom during academic time should be reserved for emergencies ONLY.  Students are encouraged not to use the restroom during instructional time. In the event that one needs to leave the classroom, students must sign in/out using the log book located by the exit. 

    Assignments and Make up

    Makeup Work - The following standards apply in the district for makeup work due to an excused absence.  Adjustments may be made when it is in the best interest of the student(s).

    • It is the student’s responsibility to follow each individual teacher’s procedures for making up work.
    • The student has the responsibility to work with the teacher to develop a plan for making up homework and tests.
    • If work is not turned in when the assignment is due and the student fails to provide an acceptable explanation of the extenuating circumstances that would merit an extension, the teacher may reduce the grade on an assignment or withhold credit on the assignment.
    • When a student has been absent for illness he or she will receive one day for each day absent, up to three days. It is the student’s responsibility to pick up and turn in the absent work.

      In situations where the student will be absent for more than three days due to illness, or when the parent notifies the office that the student will be absent more than one week for other reasons (e.g., vacation), teachers may provide required assignments in advance or upon the student's return.  Long term absences will be handled on an individual basis. This policy does NOT apply to suspensions.  If a student is suspended -- either in-school or out-of-school -- he or she is responsible to keep up with the work. It is expected that the student will go to each teacher BEFORE the suspension to get the work that he or she will miss.

    For Mrs. Chesbro's classroom-specific survival guide, click here.