• Rational Numbers– “I Can” Statements

    Performance Levels

    4 - Demonstrates Proficiency Independent of Lesson

    3 - Demonstrates Proficiency


    2 - Demonstrates Proficiency with Some Support

    1 - Can Not Demonstrate Proficiency



    Key Vocabulary: Positive and negative numbers, Integers, Opposites, Inequality, Absolute value, Rational number, Reflecting (equal distance from zero), Rational number, Coordinate plane, Origin, X-axis, Y-axis, Quadrants, Ordered pair, Reflecting (equal distance from zero), Distance.

    Apply and extend previous understandings of numbers to the system of rational numbers.

    ____ * I Can understand that every positive number has an opposite negative number that is an equal distance on the other side of zero. 6.NS.C.5, 6.NS.C.6.A

    ____ * I Can understand that the opposite of the opposite of a number is the number itself. 6.NS.C.6.A

    ____ * I Can recognize in which quadrant a point is located on a coordinate plane based on the signs of the ordered pair. 6.NS.C.6.B

    ____ * I Can recognize how points are reflected on the coordinate plane by looking at the signs of the ordered pairs. 6.NS.C.6.B

    ____ * I Can understand inequality statements. 6.NS.C.7.A, 6.NS.C.7.B

    ____ * I Can recognize the value of numbers when compared to other numbers based on their signs. 6.NS.C.7.A, 6.NS.C.7.B

    ____ * I Can recognize the position of numbers on a number line when compared to other numbers based on their signs. 6.NS.C.7.A, 6.NS.C.7.B

    ____ * I Can understand that the absolute value of a number represents its distance from zero on a number line. 6.NS.C.7.C, 6.NS.C.7.D

    ____ * I Can recognize the magnitude of numbers (their absolute value) in real world situations. 6.NS.C.7.C, 6.NS.C.7.D


    Key Vocabulary: Positive and negative numbers, Integers, Opposites, Inequality, Absolute value, Rational number, Reflecting (equal distance from zero), Rational number, Coordinate plane, Origin, X-axis, Y-axis, Quadrants, Ordered pair, Reflecting (equal distance from zero), Distance,


    ____ I can represent real-life situations using positive and negative numbers in relation to zero. 6.NS.5

    ____ I can represent rational numbers and integers on a number line. 6.NS.6

    ____ I can recognize and explain that opposites are equidistant from zero, and zero is its own opposite. 6.NS.6a

    ____ I can recognize that an ordered pair reflected across an axes differs only in the signs of the numbers. 6.NS.6b

    ____ I can graph rational numbers on a coordinate plane. 6.NS.6c

    ____ I can explain the relative positions of integers on a number line when given a statement of inequality. 6.NS.7a

    ____ I can write, interpret and explain statements of order for rational numbers in real world situations. 6.NS.7b

    ____ I can use points within the coordinate plane to solve real world problems. 6.NS.8

    ____ I can convert between fractions, decimals, and percents. AZ.6.NS.9