• Statistics – “I Can” Statements Unit 6 Expressions and Equations


    Performance Levels

    4 - Demonstrates Proficiency Independent of Lesson

    3 - Demonstrates Proficiency

    2 - Demonstrates Proficiency with Some Support

    1 - Can Not Demonstrate Proficiency

     Key Vocabulary: Equation, Inequality, Solution for the variable (Value of the variable), Greater than or equal to, Less than or equal to, Infinite, Dependent variable, Independent variable, Table of values, Exponents, Exponential notation, Evaluate, Expression, Variables, Coefficient, Constant, Variable term, Constant term, Substitution, Distributive property, Commutative property, Multiplicative identity property of 1, Combining like terms, Equivalent expression


    ____ I can evaluate expressions involving exponents. 6.EE.1

    ____ I can read algebraic expressions and evaluate the value of the variable within an expression. 6.EE.2

    ____ I can translate an expression in word form into algebraic form. 6.EE.2a

    ____ I can simplify an algebraic expression into its different parts in multiple ways. 6.EE.2b

    ____ I can substitute a variable with a specific value and then evaluate the expression applying order of operations. 6.EE.2c

    ____ I can use models to generate equivalent expressions. 6.EE.3

    ____ I can generate equivalent expressions using properties of operations. 6.EE.4

    ____ I can determine when a value or set of values makes an equation or inequality true. 6.EE.5

    ____ I can describe when a variable represents a single unknown number or any number in a specified set and apply it appropriately. 6.EE.6

    ____ I can write and solve equations from real world situations. 6.EE.7

    ____ I can represent the set of solutions for an inequality on a number line, including the possibility of a set of infinite solutions. 6.EE.8

    ____ I can recognize that an equation can have two variables, and one value affects the other. 6.EE.9